Thursday, October 22, 2015

Summer 2015: Hood Canal & Northwest Trek

Looking back on my photos from the summer makes me weepy, because it reminds me of all my people. You are all so, so wonderful to me.  Every summer, I step off the plane and am overwhelmed by how many people remember me and want to hang out with me and invite me to do fun things and be a part of their life even though for ten months a year I am on the other side of the world.

Aunt Jan and Uncle Vyn invited us to Hood Canal for a few days and of course the kids had an absolute ball.  (As I did I; my Aunt makes "Jan and Tonics" that are pretty killer.)  I know it is my home, but I am confident in this assertion:  the Pacific Northwest is the most beautiful place in the world.  I remember when I moved to San Francisco and a woman I worked with tried to convince me that San Francisco is more beautiful than Seattle and all I could think was that I had a complete idiot for a co-worker.  Anyway, Hood Canal is really, really, really lovely.

Uncle Vyn and Grandpa to play with in the pool.  What could be better?

The kids were exhausted.

Out to dinner.

Fireworks, because there are indian reservations near the condo.  Luckily we did these before the Engstroms',
which are a million times bigger and scarier and cooler.

On the way home from Hood Canal, I convinced my reluctant parents to go to Northwest Trek with Melora and Margaret.  We went with them last summer (or two summers ago?) and I was impressed and knew my parents would be as well.  They were.  But then I made Dad go to the new Pixar movie (the name of which escapes me right now) and he didn't really like it so I lost all the credibility I built up with Northwest Trek.  OH WELL.
What I love is that half way through our visit, Margaret decided to change her clothes so she pulled off her dress and
had shorts and a t-shirt on underneath.  She's very charming, this girl.

The most impressive thing about Northwest Trek to me are the bears (no photos) and the bison.  This is in large part because Lonesome Dove is one of my favorite books ever.  But also because bison are just impressive.

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