Monday, March 21, 2016

Funny ones

Lizzie:  [points at a picture of a Ferris Wheel] Mom, how do you get out of one of those things?


Me:  "Uncle Andy is going to visit us!"

L:  "Is he bringing his cousins?"


Me:  "I wonder what you're going to look like when you grow up."

L:  "I'm going to have brown hair.  And be very fancy.  And maybe I'll look like Meghan Trainor but I'm not going to be a singer.  I'm just going to have kids."


L:  "If I were God and I were picking babies to send to a person named Lizzie, I would send a boy and a girl."


One of the kids' favorite activities in the car is to send messages to Eli.  Eli pretty quickly figures out he's texting with them, because Lizzie's are mostly emoticons with "love lizzie eli" randomly thrown in.  But Tommy's are a bit more sophisticated.  After Eli called him a monkey yesterday, Tommy replied:

"Smart guy how dare you send mean messages to your WIFE!!!"  When I read it this morning, I couldn't stop laughing.

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