Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Hanh and Eleanor moved to Frankfurt in Germany, so we went to see their new house and new city. We understand why they miss Rome, but we also found a lot that was nice about Frankfurt. They live near a huge, lovely park with a fun playground; they're right near the train (I still don't know what it's called; I just call it the tube); they have a big flat with tennis courts and playgrounds.

The bottom photo is of Eleanor and Lizzie saying goodbye.  Hanh said that Eleanor cried the whole drive to school because she was so sad that Lizzie was leaving.  This is fascinating because Lizzie is not very nice to Eleanor.  And by "not very nice", I mean that she is fairly mean some of the time.  And Eleanor responds to Lizzie's meanness with, "I love you, Lizzie" and "you're so pretty!" On the second day in Paris, I almost left Lizzie on the side of the road, I was so disgusted with her behavior...

Luckily, they had many nice moments and the rest of us got along.  Phew.

This was Eli's dinner. 

We went to a wine bar.  It was run by a French woman, so we had French wine.

He suggested that some of the paintings had been inappropriate, and when I said, "well, it's art", he answered "did you see the one called 'Blonde Nude'?"
I had to put this photo in because Lizzie pointed at a painting of a father getting ready to cut his child's throat with a long knife (Abraham and Isaac), waved her hands at it and said, "Mom, what's goin' on here, in this painting?"  So here I am explaining...

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