Thursday, April 14, 2016

Nine. Yes, NINE. No, that is not a mistake.

Tommy turned nine on April 11th.  He received mostly Lego gifts, with a few books and a couple of soccer jerseys thrown in for good measure.  He also is getting a basketball hoop because he loves basketball.  (I wish I could show you the videos from his class, but I will first have to remember not to talk when I am filming.  It is much too embarrassing to post on the internet.)

His party will be on April 22nd because I didn't get my act together before we left on our trip.  But he doesn't care; he is just pleased to have another load of gifts to look forward to.  (I considered offering him the money we will pay for the party in exchange for actually having the party, but that sort of misses the point doesn't it?)

The thing about this guy is that he is extraordinarily easy to parent.  He's was born with a generous spirit and a capacity for empathy, and a quick brain.  We all have our flaws, but Tommy's are so insignificant in comparison to his goodness.  During the birthday interview, I asked him what his best quality is, and he said he's a good big brother.  I'm impressed that he has a concept of what a good big brother is, and that he values this about himself.  Anyway, all this to say that at the half-way point of Tommy living with Eli and me, I just couldn't love my kid any more than I do.*

* This week, he left his swimming bag on the bus, lost a sock in the changing room (?), left his brand new Lego guy (that he shouldn't have taken to school in the first place) on the bus, and forgot his water bottle once.  So don't read this post as saying that Tommy never frustrates me because oh my god he certainly does.  It's just that he's mostly amazing.

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