Saturday, May 21, 2016

Amazing Uncle Andy

So we had a quick visit from Uncle Andy over my birthday, and we all had such a wonderful time with him.  This is a guy who has never told one of my kids "no".  Not once.  ("Uncle Andy can we watch funny cat videos on youtube?"  "Uncle Andy will you play hand ball with me?")  So they think he's the best ever.  And when they had to be at school, he cheerfully accompanied me everywhere (except my exercise class which is women only) and got to have a nice little look around Muscat.  The first few days after he left were a bit lonely for the kids and me...And after we dropped him off at the airport Tommy and Lizzie were inconsolable for quite a while.

(Sadly, most of these photos are crappy. Sorry.)


Tour of the new airport
Grand Mosque

Youtube cat videos

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