Sunday, January 08, 2017

Lizzie's Seventh Birthday!

Because I have months of blog catch up, these photos are of both Lizzie's birthday party, which was at her gymnastics center, and her birthday. I absolutely love the Little Gym, and am so impressed with the people who run it and who teach. So I was happy to support them by having her birthday party there (although when I booked it, I thought I was going to be packing up my house in December and therefore was looking for an easy option), and they really didn't disappoint. We had such a fun afternoon.

This photo still makes me laugh.  The cake was included in the party package,
and they told me to send a photo of her to put on it.  So I did :)

These photos are of her actual birthday, which was a busy day but still fun. We baked cupcakes for her class. Then, we had pizza for dinner at her request, and I baked her favorite chocolate cake (which is from the Cook's Illustrated cookbook we received for our wedding and which is one of the best gifts I have ever received). Her big excitement was doing the birthday interview this year, because one of the questions is "what has been your biggest accomplishment of the last year?" and OH MY GOSH did Lizzie have a lot of big accomplishments. She learned to properly read, she learned to ride a bicycle and she MOSTLY stopped sucking her thumb. Needless to say, the rest of us are incredibly proud of her.

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