Thursday, April 15, 2010


*The technical difficulty of the day is that I can't make spaces between the paragraphs, and yes, I did try hitting the enter key a couple of times between each of them. Sorry, I know it's more difficult to read.*

This morning Tommy asked to go to the park with the diggers. I remembered my camera:

I normally write these posts during naptime (while holding a sleeping Lizzie), and yesterday interesting things happened afterward. First, Eli sent me to look at a house nearby even though we already had a house. I loved it and so Eli rushed home to see it, only to ultimately decide that we should stick with the one in Fulham. I think we made the right decision but it was an angst-filled few hours. Second, I made TWO MORE friends. (Do I realize that it's a stretch to identify these women as friends? Yes, of course.) One woman is from Western Australia (Perth) and is moving here for her husband's job for one to three years and only has four pairs of pants until their stuff arrives. She has a boy a bit younger than Tommy a girl about a year older than Lizzie. She did not pack enough warm clothes. Sound familiar? Except the Australia bit? The other woman I met is American but is married to a Belgian man and has a cute little boy (who has long hair and yesterday was wearing pink pants, so I'm thinking the pink scooter really won't be a big deal). She has done all the research on the area Montessori schools which is very convenient for me if I end up hating Tommy's school.
Speaking of Tommy's school, it starts next Wednesday (at pretty much the same moment mom is supposed to arrive). He asked to go this morning. Luckily, he met a little boy at the park and played happily for quite a while. On the way home we stopped at Marks & Spencer and Tommy got a kids meal type thing for lunch and I got a salad. I like the food here so much better. I can buy him this premade stuff and there's no fake crap in it. I can't even find bright orange (or any color) mac 'n cheese! Yay!
Yesterday Tommy informed me that "the blue whale is the biggest animal in the world" and that "the blue whale swims in the ocean." He learned this from "Sid the Science Kid." He can also discuss nonstandard measurement as a result of this show. I find the voices of the characters to be very irritating, but he sure is learning something. A couple of days ago, he tripped and said, "I just stumbled. Stumble means to trip over sooooo ... stumble means to stumble!" (Stumble was the word of the day on Sesame Street once.) Also cute: on his birthday we did a little interview and his favorite color is pink and his favorite food is "this" (he was eating a cupcake with pink icing). Finally, did I already post the story about how I was changing Lizzie's diaper and he said, "Lizzie, that's gross. You need to put your poop in the potty." Hmmmmm....

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