Wednesday, April 21, 2010

First Day of Nursery School

First let me apologize that there is no photo to accompany this post. I will take one next week of Tommy by the Paint Pots sign so that you can all see how cute he looks.

Working backward, Tommy is completely wrecked right now, even though he took a nap in the stroller ("buggy") on the way home. Missing the nap will be difficult. "I am reawy tired, mommy!"

We arrived and met Miss Tracy, the directress. She is very nice and I especially loved it when she affirmed that it doesn't matter if Tommy is potty trained. I told her what Tommy likes to do, she showed me the practical skills set-up - complete with an area to scrub the floor! - and I knew he would be happy. I left, and when I returned two hours later, Tracy said he was "brilliant" (not meaning smart, just that he'd had a good day at school). Tommy showed me the tadpoles in the room and informed me they swim like whales and would become whales. Hmmm.

I'm a bit put off by the school today, despite our good experience because, first, Tommy is the only kid who attends only the afternoon session. The other kids all come for the morning and stay on, which means they're all older. My other problem is that all those kids leave at 3:30, which means Tommy would be the only kid at school between 3:30 and 4 if he stayed the full time we paid for. Tracy said I could drop him off earlier than 1:30 if I like, which makes this a bit better...But I don't know how I feel about him being the only kid there.

During snack, Tommy exclaimed: "When I'm bigger, I can drink Grandma-juice!" (Grandma juice is Coke Zero. I said that he could not.)

Tommy just announced that Lizzie spit up and I said, "I know, she's on fire, isn't she?" Turns out, three year olds are a bit too literal for that expression.

Update: This morning, Tommy asked Eli where he was going, and when Eli said he was going to work, Tommy said, "no you're not you silly fool!" We don't know where he learned that.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to tell you what Grandma Sid is drinking as she read this post. Oh, dear.

    Is Grandma Nancy on her way after all?
