Tuesday, April 06, 2010


From now on, we'll stick to one picture per post. That is just horrendous looking. (Let's be sure not to show Aunt Jean, okay?)

Today has been sort of rough:
*Tommy and Lizzie both had blowouts.
*Tommy spilled Nescafe all over about an hour after the cleaning service had finished.
*Tommy and I got in a big fight over whether he "needs" a plastic knife or not.
*Tommy wanted to open my umbrella when we were out at Hyde Park, and the wind blew it about two city blocks before I caught it. Every step I took I wondered if I was getting too far from the kids, but I kept going because I really love my umbrella.
*Tommy announced that he no longer likes black beans.
*Our offer on the house was not accepted -- someone else offered a longer term.
*We visited two more properties and I liked one and Eli liked the other.
*Lizzie barely slept.

Tomorrow will be better. Tommy was particularly poorly behaved today and I am hopeful that tomorrow we will finish up the Easter candy and he will be a sweetheart once again. Let's all cross our fingers, shall we?

PS: It is confirmed that the Russian has two nannies. I am still more envious of the buggies.


  1. Not sure if, before uploading a photo, you use the enter key to force a new line in the blog text, it might keep the text from wrapping in a wee, narrow column around the photo. Worth a try?

    Sorry to hear your offer wasn't accepted on the house. Keep the faith - house hunting and with the children. tomorrow WILL be better.

  2. With Blogger, you can say where you want your image to be left, right, or center. I think when you say left or right, text near it is supposed to wrap. If you center something, I don't think it wraps but you might have to hit the Enter key to start on a new line. You don't have a lot of choices unless you know the code.

  3. Yes, I noticed that if you have the option of editing the html code, but I haven't looked at html since mountainzone...I think you're right that I should just choose center. I was trying to be overly artistic. Also, I was joking of course, that you shouldn't be told about the blog. I just knew you would have taken the time to make it look right and I didn't :)
