Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Baby Tess (x2)

This is Tommy's baby, Tess. She is named after the real baby Tess (keep reading). (Grandma Sid gave a baby like this to Lizzie, and it quickly became clear that Tommy needed one of his own.)

Here is Tommy taking care of (smothering?) baby Tess:

And here's the picture you've all been waiting for -- the REAL baby Tess. Can't you understand why Tommy decided to name his baby after her?? (That's her cute mommy in the background, Liz.)

(Isn't the real baby Tess's outfit so adorable?)

Today Tommy suggested that I should go to work and Daddy could stay with him. I said that Daddy had to go to work at the airport, and Tommy said, "what's Daddy building at the airport?" And I said, "I don't know. What did he tell you?" And Tommy said, "he's building a big long building that's going to be a fire engine and go up in the sky." So now we all know what Eli does at work.

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