Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Tommy, Eli and I are coming down with colds, which I suppose is to be expected as Tommy started a new school in a new country with what must be different illnesses. But still. Let's all cross our fingers that Lizzie doesn't get it, too.

We haven't gone to any playgrounds this week as I barely have the energy for the four miles I have to walk to take Tommy to school, come home and pick him up. But he still has wanted to go and since he just had it two days this week, I've taken him. Just one more trip to make and we'll be done with it for the week. Yay for me; sad for Tommy. (But frankly, I get more free time and have a happier baby when Tommy just naps at home.)

Yesterday, Lizzie rolled front to back. So perhaps she really is learning to roll. (Tommy wanted to be in the picture.)

We played with Angus this morning in the garden. Yes, that's Tommy in the helmet. He still prefers to wear it no matter what he's doing.

Unfortunately, the boys have started to dig up the pansies instead of just play in the dirt so they require a bit more supervision.

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