Friday, June 18, 2010

A cute one, to start:

Tommy: So, Dad, how was your day?
E: It was fine.
T: So what'd you do?
E: I figured out how to build buildings.
T: And did you ride a digger with a jackhammer?
E: No, somebody else rides the digger.
T: Oh. So you all take turns on the digger.

We're doing well. Uncle Brett arrived on Tuesday which has been fun for all of us. He brought Tommy a remote controlled airplane, but it still doesn't have any batteries in it. No matter, Tommy loves the remote control. As Uncle Brett pointed out, it's not entirely clear that he understands what a remote control does.

It's been a somewhat busy week. I bought Tommy's bedding and mattress. I paid more for an organic mattress, but I read a scary article about the toxins kids breathe in from their mattresses, and the author of the article made the point that since they spend 12 or more hours on them daily, it's one of the most important organic purchases one can make. We have been unable to find a bed we want to buy for Tommy because all children's furniture in England is white, and the adult single beds are pricey. So he'll be sleeping on a mattress on the floor for a while.

Tommy went to preschool on Thursday morning and it was great. He was gone for three and a half hours PLUS he took a ginormous nap because he was so worn out. I am looking forward to the fall when we can do this daily, but by then he will probably have stopped napping.

It really feels like Lizzie is a different baby this week. She loves to sit up and play with her toys. She doesn't put them directly in her mouth now -- she likes to wave them around to see if they make noise, and she likes to pass them from one hand to the other. Today she even got the green hammer and banged it around for a while -- fixing with her brother. Tommy looooved it. They also played hide and seek. That game entails Tommy dragging Lizzie's blanket (with Lizzie on it, totally against the rules) behind the drapes, then he sits back there with her and I look for them (and pretend I don't see Lizzie's body sticking out of the drapes). I know they're mine, but they're just so cute. It's also adorable how much they love each other. Lizzie looks for Tommy and when she spots him, she gives him a huge smile.

Hide and seek:

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