Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today Tommy said "sorry" to me, which is lovely, but he said it in a little British accent. I knew it would happen, but I didn't think it would be so soon.

He also told me today that "when Miss Kasha [the woman who cleans our apartment] turns into a mommy, you can be the cleaner!" He said it like being the cleaner was the exciting, fun job. So I laughed and turned away from the computer so I could pay attention to him for a bit.

Lizzie had a good day sleeping-wise, so she was a nicer baby. She ate a large potion of carrots and seemed to feel good. Then, I let her taste some coconut yogurt that Tommy and I were eating and she kept lunging for, and she lost her business when I wouldn't give her another taste. I really don't know where she gets this eating thing from. And I don't know where I got so relaxed that I would feed her yogurt in the middle of introducing her to carrots. My poor second baby.

For those of you not following the London weather, it is raining here and has been all week. This is problematic for me because (1) we cannot go to playgrounds in the morning and (2) I don't get to hang out with my grown up mommy friends in the garden in the afternoon. Instead, we all stay inside together and Tommy breaks all the rules just to watch me get mad. And we read those damn Richard Scarry books over and over and over which Tommy loves but I am done with.

And that's all from London. We are just fine and counting down the days until we move into our real house. With four bedrooms! And all of our things! Wheeeee.

Pictures tomorrow and I have got a super cute one for you.

1 comment:

  1. Damn Richarad Scarry books? Who in the world gave them to him in the first place, huh? Huh?

    Just went to a panel on diversifying the judiciary. Georgia State Supereme Court Chief Justice is a woman, and she was good. The whole panel was good, actually. Two people work at the Brennan Center, and obviously are very connected to the League. At this national convention, I've noticed there are many young professional women who are in the League--pediatricians, lawyers, scientists, more lawyers, ministers. It's impressive; I feel like a housewife.

    Love, Grandma Sid
    p.s. Brett is on his way to London this very minute.
