Friday, September 24, 2010

Coffee morning, bread and bows

So this morning I dragged myself to a coffee morning for the parents at Tommy's school. It was hosted by a lovely woman, in a lovely flat (they bought both flats on the floor of the building and then gutted them so the result is especially stunning). All the moms ("mums") were very nice and welcoming -- they commented that I was the only new mom to attend and the hostess even thanked me for my effort. Anyway, here's what I learned: I am the only mom without a full time nanny, and we are poor compared to all the other families at our school. I have tentatively arranged playdates with three of the mothers though, which is wonderful.

On the way home from coffee, I purchased this for Lizzie's hair:

Yesterday I baked bread. It turned out very well and I am very proud of myself. It had to rise twice, so it felt especially labor intensive. Isn't it pretty? It's almost half gone already!

Happy weekend to all of you.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for bread! I have really been enjoying baking bread this year. Well, mostly reading and thinking about baking bread. The Bread Baker's Apprentice is a fantastic book, I highly recommend it. Cinnamon raisin swirl is definitely a family-pleaser. I totally appreciate you feeling proud of yourself - I do every time I pull it off!
