Saturday, October 30, 2010

I won't be blogging much for a while...

Batman spilled some water on the computer (yes, the one we bought just six months ago) and it is at the Mac store getting fixed. It was a pricey accident, but at least we'll still have the computer (as well as our pictures -- which will be backed up as soon as we get the computer back). SO, no posts, or at least no posts with pictures, for a while. SORRY. I promise to take some cute ones in the meantime.

Lizzie is not content to crawl; she cries if we are not helping her walk. I forgot about this back-breaking stage.

Happy Halloween! Eat a mini-snickers for me!

(Sorry, one cute story: This afternoon on the Tube, Tommy told Eli he was going to give him a Dutch rub. Eli asked where Tommy learned what a Dutch rub was. Tommy said, "Grandpa Ollie. And a horse bite, too. I like him.")

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