Saturday, October 02, 2010

Tommy at school

I know, there should be photos. But there aren't. Lizzie and I went to Tommy's school yesterday because they had a party for Miss Alma, who is going on maternity leave. We really love Miss Alma and are very sad that she's leaving, but we are going to go visit her after she's had the baby. Anyway, after pounding two cups of juice and inhaling two (small, but still) pieces of cake, Tommy got out his rug (part of Montessori is getting out a small rug to put your materials on) and showed me the red rods and made shapes with them. Then, and this was my favorite part, he put them away!! The other kids liked Lizzie quite a bit, and Tommy enjoyed telling them not to touch her and that she was his baby. (Still working on sharing.)

The school hunt has progressed. I am on my way to an open morning at a school nearby. Tommy's current head teacher came from this school and has only great things to say about it. She said that the children there are very happy, and I'm not sure I could think of a better measure of a school. Lizzie and I also went to an open morning yesterday at the primary school associated with Tommy's preschool. It's a Montessori school and right now it has just four kids. The principal of the school (of all the Paint Pots schools) is really great and I also liked the teacher -- but I am still anxious that it will be difficult to get him back into the conventional British system if we do Montessori now. But I also think Montessori is awesome, especially for a kid who asks me things like, "what's in dirt?" And now I'm done being boring.

We have friends coming for brunch tomorrow and I want to bake scones except I can't figure out how to measure the butter. It just comes in blocks here. I think I'm going to get a scale this afternoon. Anyway. Big problems from here in London.

Happy weekend, everybody.

1 comment:

  1. You may become obsessed with your kitchen scale. I certainly am. I recommend the Oxo digital one, if they have that in Britain. The pull-out display is awesome for big bowls and it does kg/lb conversion, so you can bring it home and put it to good continued use!
