Thursday, October 07, 2010


This morning Tommy woke up, said good morning and suggested we go visit Robie. "And Grandpa Bob ... and Grandma Antsy ... and Margaret." Then, he launched into a description of the tractors on Margaret's farm (I don't actually remember any, but apparently there were five).

A couple of mornings ago, he announced from his chair during breakfast that he was going to Grandma Sid's for five. We sorted out that he meant five minutes. He likes to tell me that he's going various places (to the hardware store is his favorite), but he'll be right back, "and you won't miss me, mom, okay?"

We put together a big puzzle a couple of days ago, and he looked at it and said "you know what mom? I think I did a good job. By the way, thanks for the help, mom!"

Tommy's preschool teacher told me that he and another little boy go into the bathroom, each get situated in their cubicle, and then chat.

Tommy got his hair cut on Monday, and the hairdresser complimented him on his hair: "It's so thick, and it's such a lovely color." That night during bath, while I was washing his hair, Tommy complained, "but you'll wash it off!" And I said, "what do you mean?" And he said, "you'll wash the lovely color off!"

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