Thursday, November 25, 2010

Budapest Pictures

These are not in order, because I can't figure out how to move them around.

Here is Lizzie feasting on pickled cabbage:

Here is Tommy at the opera house:

Tommy with Hanh's dog, Boston:

Tommy holding Air Force One in his hand. We lost it later in the trip, and while he really loved that plane, he does not seem to miss it too terribly.

Air Force One again:

From the Buda side, looking over the river:

The best picture we have of Tommy and Eli together. It just kills me it's so adorable.

When a backpack is necessary, Tommy always chooses the one my father was given free on Air New Zealand. Not his fairly expensive organic elephant backpack, or his Dwellbaby backpack.

Lizzie's favorite part of the trip was going after Boston's food and water bowls:

Buda at night.

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