Saturday, December 04, 2010

More snow

So the morning after the disappointing morning, we woke up to snow. Eli says there were four inches. I would have said about half an inch, but Eli is far better with this type of stuff, so I think we should go with four inches. Tommy was delighted, and had a lovely walk to school stomping on it. Eli could not get to work on Wednesday and Thursday because the airport was closed and the trains to the airport were canceled. We had three fun days of snow and woke up today to melted snow. It was only in the high thirties today but it felt positively warm. Yay.

I know you'll all be relieved to know that I got a Joseph costume. I'll post pictures after the big show on Thursday. I am still curious as to whether Joseph will deliver his lines. We've been practicing the songs which are "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," "Away in a Manger," and "Twinkle, Twinkle." It's a big week for Tommy because they have the play on Thursday and go to the theatre on Tuesday. He thinks it's the same play they saw in July, and while I've tried to explain that there won't necessarily be a bug and a butterfly like there was last time, I think he's going to have to see it to understand that there is more than one play in the world.

I got to go to school on Friday for circle time. The moment I arrived, Tommy's little friend Isaac dragged Tommy over to me (they were holding hands) and yelled, very close to my face, "I WANT TO COME ROUND TO TOMMY'S HOUSE." Tommy nodded. I said that would be fine with me. "AND TOMMY WANTS TO COME ROUND TO MY HOUSE," Isaac continued. I agreed and said that I would speak to his nanny on Monday. They trotted back to the circle afterward. Isaac is a cute little boy who also is obsessed with swords and other weapons, and is, I believe, louder than Tommy.

Today we went to the Parsons' Green Christmas fair. It was a little bit weird. They had booths for local merchants to sell things, rides for the little kids, two reindeer in a pen, Santa ("Father Christmas"), and a bunch of people on stilts in fairy costumes. They also had a booth selling balloons. I saw many little boys with balloons that looked like tanks. War does not strike me as especially Christmassy. I was happy we avoided the balloons, even though I am positive Tommy would have selected the Dora balloon, given the choice.

We also ordered our Christmas tree which will be delivered between six and ten pm on Monday. I will not tell you how much that sucker is costing, but I will say that as we ordered it, I reminded Eli that it was cheaper than the $4500 it would cost to travel home for Christmas. Part of this is our fault as we didn't bring anything with us so we had to buy a tree stand and lights (which the tree company will happily deliver with our tree so long as we're willing to pay handsomely).

I'm going to bake a famous Kent family cookie tomorrow: pinwheels. I've never attempted them and I've enlisted the help (if one can call it that) of my three-year-old. If they turn out, I will post a photo. If they don't, I will not write about them again. Wish me luck. I'm forced to try a lot of new cookies as we don't have any cookie cutters and I don't feel like I can buy new ones for just one Christmas.


  1. I just sent a few tips for making the cookies. I hope I wasn't too late!

  2. One last tip, watch them carefully when baking. It is easy to burn them.
