Wednesday, December 22, 2010

School holiday

Tommy finished school December 8th, but last week he had a class for three mornings that was basically during the hours of preschool. So I didn't notice that he wasn't in school so much. This week, I'm noticing. The problem, of course, is that we can't get outside as much because it's in the 30s and that's pretty cold for Lizzie (even in her snowsuit and stroller sleeping bag thing). We go out in 20 or 30 minute bursts, and usually when we get in, Tommy tromps straight through to the backdoor so he can have more outside time. Unfortunately, the snow is melted and there's not much to do in the yard (more like a patio) without snow. Please feel free to add your ideas in the comments section.

Today we had twins -- Isaac and Edith -- over for a playdate. Edith is a very good girl, but the boys (or perhaps it was just my boy) pulled down the air conditioner in his room. It's a large thing that could easily squash a child, so I was both freaked out and angry when I discovered it. As I was yelling at Tommy (not too loud, because I've lost my voice), he "shot his webs" at me so he got a timeout. SIGH. Now he is having a nap, even though we're trying to give up the nap (in order to protect the bedtime). He was just too tired to make it to football without a little sleep.

I am somewhat exhausted and hopeful that the next two days go by quickly, until Eli is HOME FOR A WEEK.

1 comment:

  1. Give him water to pour on the chairs, table, and ground and see how long it takes to form ice. Go all the way, and create an ice skating rink!

    If it's too warm for that, make paper airplanes and see how many he can fly out of the yard. Decorate them and write "Merry Christmas" so the neighbors will not mind the rubbish.
