Monday, January 24, 2011

Cute kid stories (no pictures)

Last night, Simon and Vivian came for dinner and they brought Christmas (and birthday) gifts for the kids. Tommy received four trucks, and as he opened them, he said, "Oh my gosh! Jesus." And Eli said, "I have to quit swearing."

This afternoon when we got home from school, I put the kids in Tommy's room and went to get some laundry from the dryer. When I came back, Tommy said: "Lizzie and I were cuddling and then she asked me to read a book and so I did."

Which leads me to the fact that Lizzie does ask to have books read to her. She gets a book, brings it over to you, and squeals. It is irresistible.

Lizzie also knows the word hot. It sounds more like "at!" And she uses it appropriately -- usually when I'm holding tea or coffee.

Tommy was sitting in bed with his animals and Lizzie's new baby that he dearly loves and said, "My animals are excited because it's their Christmas tonight." And I said, "Oh! What did you get them?" And he said, with a semi-perplexed expression, "no, Mommy, Santa's going to bring them presents." Yikes, Mommy.

As soon as I get my phone back, I will post some photos and videos. I know why you read this blog.

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