Thursday, January 06, 2011

Our peanut

This is my second post about Lizzie in a row -- you'd think she was the eldest. She will tell you the truth.

She had her 1 year old visit at the doctor today and she remains tiny. She weighs just 17 lbs, 6 oz, which puts her in the second percentile. She is 29" tall and in the 50th percentile for height. The doctor was impressed that she says "ball." He said that he is not worried about her size because she is obviously thriving. (I tried to explain that she's not doing most of the things that her brother was doing at this age, and he cut me off with, "she doesn't have to walk until she's eighteen months old.")

Here she is after my run yesterday, asleep:

This is yesterday as well, but I think before the run?

It's raining here today, but I promised to walk to pick up Tommy so he could nap in the buggy on the way home (I wonder how many parents are trying to talk their kids out of naps? It feels so odd). He was excited to stay at school for lunch bunch, I'm sure partially because the food is so good -- it's from an all-organic restaurant that is near our house. I told the owner that I love it when Tommy has lunch at school because I know I can feed him peanut butter and jelly for dinner.

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