Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Bob's visit

Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Bob came to visit (Grandpa is still here, as a matter of fact), and we had a lovely time. The first week of the trip, they accompanied us on preschool drop off and pick up, watched Lizzie while Tommy and I went on playdates, watched Lizzie while I went to the gym, watched the kids while Eli and I went out to dinner or a movie...And I think they were pretty much exhausted. Over the weekend, we went to Hampton Court and Oxford, both of which were successful trips considering that we had two little kids with us. Here are some photos:

Grandpa Bob and Lizzie eating a crepe:

Oxford, at Christ Church College:

Oxford, again:
Hampton Court gardens, chasing geese:

Oxford -- the super duper old library:

And one of the little lady walking around the Natural History Museum. She prefers to walk now, and prefers not to hold hands. I had forgotten how exhausting this stage can be, for all of us.

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