Sunday, March 27, 2011

Boring update

Sometimes it's hard to feel on top of things, and we at 23 Harbledown are going through one of those phases. Eli needs to be working all the time (on work, not household jobs) and I can't seem to stay on top of the rest. Today we worked on the to-do list all day long (with the exception of a run during which I talked about the to-do list while Eli pushed the jogger and an hour at the playground) and we're only half way through the jobs I had designated for the weekend.

This is Tommy's last week in school, and on Tuesday we're going to the Battersea zoo (which is not much of a zoo) with his class while Alina stays with Lizzie. Then, Tommy's friend Richard is coming over for a playdate. And on Thursday Lizzie gets the MMR and Tommy does the birthday walk at school since it's the last day of school for a month. (Really, the kids here just don't go to school.)

On Wednesday night I went to dinner (at a private club in South Ken) with a few moms from preschool. I had a nice time, but the most exciting thing to come of the dinner is that Tommy now has a spot at a VERY POSH school in Belgravia (near Sloane Square for those of you who remember where we lived in 2007) that is ours for the taking. Of course, we can't see the school until after we're back from Seattle, and during that time the spot at our other school of choice may become available. And to top it all off, I have a meeting with the head teacher and principal at Paint Pots tomorrow to discuss Tommy staying there another year (which is not going to happen, because all the other kids his age are leaving). Anyway, the school issue is back and tormenting me (and Eli, but mostly because I'm worrying about it). Yes, that's right, I'm spending significant amounts of time thinking about Tommy's school for the year BEFORE kindergarten.

And now I'm off to do another job before I go to bed...Sigh.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Grandma Sid and Grandpa Ollie's visit

These pictures are in the wrong order, but what else is new? We had a really lovely trip, and it was especially wonderful for me as I got to go to the gym instead of do the school run in the morning, had people to chat with about grown up things (or about how nice my children are), and had Grandpa Ollie's help getting Tommy's energy worked out.

Here is Lizzie rolling around in pillows:

Lizzie walking in Kensington Gardens, with Kensington Palace behind her:

Grandparents and grandchildren with the Kensington Gardens duck pond behind them:
All of us and the duck pond:
Grandpa Ollie imagining what it would be like if Tommy were taller:

The 24/7 activity, roughhousing:

A fairly unsafe tube ride:

More roughhousing:

Tommy, Grandpa Ollie and Eli went on a ship that is docked on the Thames and Tommy got lost. Luckily, they found him.

At St. Pancras:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where have I been?

Sorry that the posting is sparse lately. We had Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Bob visit, and then Grandma Sid and Grandpa Ollie arrived on March 10th. We've been having a great time, and I shall attempt to do a post -- with pictures -- about their visit over the weekend.

It was Eli's birthday yesterday and so we baked a cake (it has only four ingredients and is super easy and is also, if I do say so myself, possibly the best chocolate cake I've ever eaten) and got take out Indian food (which was not so awesome, steer clear of Masala Zone if you're ever in London but I probably didn't need to tell you that, the name might just say it all). He is the big three five and to his credit he is taking it all in stride. When I am the big three five a bit later in the year, I expect to be a little grouchy about it.

Now that Daddy's birthday has passed, Tommy is gearing up for his own and his way of doing this is to tell me that he wants a "gun that doesn't kill people" for his birthday. When he says this my brain sort of jams up and I just look at him stupidly because I do not know what to say. He also wants a squirt gun and a sword. Really. Really. We are getting him a red bicycle. No weapons.

His other request is an ice cream cake which is odd since I don't think he's ever had one before. Plus, we'll be in Seattle for the birthday and I think it might not be super warm there. Maybe I'll try to negotiate cupcakes at the birthday party and an ice cream cake when we're in Palm Springs later in the trip. Lately, negotiation isn't getting me very far with Tommy -- he tends to stick to his position.

Lizzie spends most of her time in the kitchen, climbing up and down the stool that Grandpa Bob built. It is still a bit dangerous, but much better than it used to be, except when she begins to climb over the back of it. She waves at all babies now when she's in the buggy and also screams when she sees dogs. Both are ubiquitous in our neighborhood which makes for exciting walks to and from preschool. Her walking is nearly perfect now. She can even stand up from the middle of the floor all by herself. Lizzie is also welcoming some new teeth which is making her drool a lot.

And I am spending most of my time thinking about going back to work. When? Where? Really? And yes, I want to, but I also like putting my kids to bed (well, sometimes I do). Why, I wonder, did I not consider a profession with lots of opportunities to work 60%?

Finally, do all (twenty) of you know that Em is getting married next month (one month and one day from today) and that Lib is getting married in August? So we are going to America (that's what we call it here, in case I haven't told you) TWICE in FIVE months? Sign up in the comments section or via email if you can spend one of the sleepless nights with my children as they deal with their jetlag. (Other than the jetlag part, I am very exciting for both weddings and spend plenty of time thinking about my toasts though I cannot say I've made loads of progress. I want to be funny but live in fear of that toast in "The Wedding Crashers." And speaking of movies, we saw "True Grit" when my parents were here and I have to say that I loved it and you should see it. We also saw that one with Matt Damon and Emily Blunt and I liked it too (might it be called "The Adjustment Bureau"?) but didn't love it so if you're like us and seeing your fourth movie in the theatre in as many years, you might not choose that one.)