Sunday, March 27, 2011

Boring update

Sometimes it's hard to feel on top of things, and we at 23 Harbledown are going through one of those phases. Eli needs to be working all the time (on work, not household jobs) and I can't seem to stay on top of the rest. Today we worked on the to-do list all day long (with the exception of a run during which I talked about the to-do list while Eli pushed the jogger and an hour at the playground) and we're only half way through the jobs I had designated for the weekend.

This is Tommy's last week in school, and on Tuesday we're going to the Battersea zoo (which is not much of a zoo) with his class while Alina stays with Lizzie. Then, Tommy's friend Richard is coming over for a playdate. And on Thursday Lizzie gets the MMR and Tommy does the birthday walk at school since it's the last day of school for a month. (Really, the kids here just don't go to school.)

On Wednesday night I went to dinner (at a private club in South Ken) with a few moms from preschool. I had a nice time, but the most exciting thing to come of the dinner is that Tommy now has a spot at a VERY POSH school in Belgravia (near Sloane Square for those of you who remember where we lived in 2007) that is ours for the taking. Of course, we can't see the school until after we're back from Seattle, and during that time the spot at our other school of choice may become available. And to top it all off, I have a meeting with the head teacher and principal at Paint Pots tomorrow to discuss Tommy staying there another year (which is not going to happen, because all the other kids his age are leaving). Anyway, the school issue is back and tormenting me (and Eli, but mostly because I'm worrying about it). Yes, that's right, I'm spending significant amounts of time thinking about Tommy's school for the year BEFORE kindergarten.

And now I'm off to do another job before I go to bed...Sigh.

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