Friday, July 01, 2011


Our new nanny started on Monday, and I'm fairly certain I freaked her out a little bit when I burst into tears about halfway through the day. She was so nice: "I understand, I'm sure I would feel the same way" as I tried to explain that I was just sad to leave the kids, that my tears had nothing to do with her. The kids seem to adore her completely; Tommy even listened to her and scooted nearer to her than normal when she did the school run on her own.

And yet. (EVERY blogger transitions with "and yet." Or maybe it's just the bloggernacle?) I went to a garden party (accurate name: in the nicest communal garden I've been in, complete with sand pit and security guard) this afternoon and chatted with a few other mums while the kids played, and I felt proud (or some similar feeling) when I announced that I wouldn't see them on Monday; that I was going back to work. (I also ate two cupcakes as Tommy told me that his cupcake hurt his head and he couldn't eat it.)

I shall post again next Friday to let you all know how it goes. I hope you are all well!

(And for those of you who know her, Sarah Wedemeyer is having a boy! Isn't that exciting? I have come to believe that one of each is PERFECT.)

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