Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ben 10

Tommy loves a cartoon character called Ben 10. He's seen two episodes on the plane (and for that reason alone is looking forward to our August trip) and we rented a DVD from the library with a few episodes for a special weekend TV treat. (For those wondering, Ben 10 really isn't so appropriate for a 4 year old.) Anyway, now he wants to dress like Ben 10. Which means he wants jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie every day, and the accessory that makes it all happen: his watch.

Anyway, it's summer here and sometimes even shorts weather (which he is normally happy to wear), but he's dressing like Ben 10.

He woke up last night terrified that a salamander was in his bed and refused to believe that nothing was there even when we turned the lights on and looked, so Eli had to sleep on the floor for a few hours.

OH, and Eli also made it to "The Enormous Crocodile" despite being very busy with work. I took a movie, but it's pretty long so we have to figure out how to edit it and post some clips (the sweetest part is when Tommy saw Eli). The kids were super cute.

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