Saturday, July 30, 2011

Going to the cinema!

We promised Tommy -- at least two months ago -- that when Cars 2 came out, we would take him to see it in the theatre. Since then, he has asked me every morning if we are going to the cinema on that particular day. Sixty days later, I finally said, "YES, today we are going to the movies."

And so the babysitter came. (An important part of this experience for Tommy was leaving Lizzie at home, though when we returned he was very sweet to her: "How're you doing, Lu? Did you have a nice afternoon? Did Miss Alina take you to the playground, huh?" In his high-pitched-for-babies voice.) Eli had just finished putting Lulu down for a nap. The three of us set off to get hamburgers and fries for lunch before the movie. Tommy had a milkshake, too, and he just looooved his lunch.

(On Friday, as we crossed the street, he said loudly, "MOMMY, I'M NOT A VEGETARIAN!" and this is clearly true.)

Anyway, after lunch we made him walk around a little bit because we felt sick from overeating. Tommy was not impressed and shortly insisted that we go to the theatre.

When we arrived, he helped me pick up the tickets, which we had bought before because here you reserve seats for movies.

During the movie, he was unsure about the whole experience. He told me he wanted to go home; that it was hurting his head. He told me that he was scared. BUT, he stayed for the whole thing and then proclaimed it GREAT, and that has been his position since.

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