Saturday, August 20, 2011

I'm going to bed, but update

We've been busy in Seattle, and I have not been posting. I'm sorry!

Today, we spent the day at Lake Roesiger which was quite fun, and incredibly delicious (we ate and ate and ate). As we left, Tommy said, "John, the ribs were DELICIOUS!" and it is true, they were. Tommy also ate more shrimp than I have ever seen a person eat. Lulu mostly ate hummus, but she also had a lovely time. I think she might be sunburned, though.

Yesterday, I spent the day with Lib and Tommy and Lizzie spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa. Lib and I went shopping and to the spa and then to dinner at a great place in Ballard, and it was SO FUN. I think the kids and grandparents had a good day too, or at least that's what they all tell me.

Thursday was busy with a play date with Margaret and Melora, and before that I went to pick up the wedding dress with the bride. It's a good thing, too, because there are two bustle options on that dress and the matron of honor pretty much has one job, and that's to properly bustle the dress. Crisis averted. Phew.

And honestly, I'm not sure what we did on Monday and Tuesday because I was too tired to think. We arrived a week ago and my kids are finally adjusted to this time zone. It's not their fault, but it has been a miserable process for all of us. (I know, how could I be surprised? We just did this in April!) Pictures tomorrow, I PROMISE.


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