Friday, September 23, 2011

And, again.

So this is another post about how awesome Tommy is, and I'm telling you here so that if you are weary of these posts you can skip it.  It will not hurt my feelings at all.

I have three stories for you today.

First, on Wednesday on the way home from football, Tommy wanted to color instead of scoot home.  Mandy said no, and Tommy got mad and scooted away from her, really fast.  When Mandy got to him, she took his scooter away because he hadn't listened to her.  Then, he was angry for a while, even threatening to tell Eli and me that she had taken the scooter away.  Mandy, bless her, stuck to her guns.  After a pause, he looked at her and said, "I'm sorry Mandy.  I got really mad and I lost my temper.  You're the best nanny."  At which point she returned the scooter and they all went home.

Second, when I dropped him off at school on Thursday, his teacher Miss Anna told me that he'd spent the whole of the previous day with Sophia.  They even, she said, hugged during carpet time.  So I mentioned to Tommy that it's fine to hug people, but that we want to be sure they want to be hugged.  "Oh, mom.  She loves to be hugged by me."


Finally, and this is the worst, so stop here if you hesitated at all in reading this post after the disclaimer at the top, today his teacher, Miss Jo, told me that she did some assessments with him yesterday and he knows all his letters and sounds so will start learning to read next week (!!!) and that he is a "pleasure to have in class."  She said that he says things like, "Miss Jo, I just love this classroom!  It's the best classroom ever!" and then all the other children hear him and get excited and repeat him.  I mean, really, how adorable is that? (I acknowledge that it might not be as adorable as I think because I am his mother, but it's still a little bit cute, right?)

Last night was curriculum night so we learned about what Tommy will learn this term and also more about the school philosophy.  I have felt since he started two weeks ago that we made a good decision to send him to Eridge house, but last night I felt absolutely affirmed as the head teacher told us that above all, they want children to be happy there.  Amen, I shouted.  Not really.  But, well, you know that he's just four and where we come from, four year olds don't go to proper school, and my biggest fear is that going to school so young might make him stop loving school, so it was reaffirming to hear Miss Janey say that.  She also said that the things we need to do as parents are (1) get our kids to school on time, (2) feed our kids breakfast, and (3) not feed them chocolate for breakfast.  To use Tommy's favorite phrase (because it rhymes), "easy peasy lemon squeezy."

1 comment:

  1. I agree that school should be fun for a four year old. Love reading your posts! Thanks for taking the time to write them now that you are back in the workforce.
