Monday, September 19, 2011

First Day!

And to keep things interesting, I've posted the photos in the wrong order.  (Blogger's fault, but what else is new?)

Here is Tommy's classroom.  He's in the fruit stand:
 The classroom.
 Outside of the school -- see the white wall and the blue sign? The gate is to the right of the blue sign.
 Walking to school.

A week in, and Tommy seems to love school.  He doesn't complain at all about going, and he has lots of interesting things to talk about.  Like, the names of the ladies who serve lunch and what he accepts from them and what he does not.  On Friday, I picked him up at one and the first thing he told me is what he had for dessert (ice cream with a biscuit).

Our week and, more importantly, weekend without Daddy was just fine.  We missed him, and I admit that on Sunday morning I lost my business with Tommy when he had a fit about something stupid (nope, no idea what, because Sunday afternoon was about how the soup was "sloppy"), but mostly, it was a really nice weekend.  Tommy got to watch "Mary Poppins" and sang all the songs for the rest of the weekend.  Then we all went to a cooking class on Sunday morning and baked savoury scones.  Lizzie made the biggest freaking mess I've ever seen and it was not in my house.  

And a very happy Monday to you all.

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