Monday, September 05, 2011


So we're back in London and instead of feeling lucky about it, I've been sort of tearful all day long. Sigh.

We arrived about noon yesterday (Sunday), and we all managed to stay awake until six pm when Lulu fell asleep on her one-and-only's lap. (Since I saw all of my regular readers -- except Bec who just had a new baby girl!! -- on the trip, I don't need to remind you just how much she loves her daddy right now.) At ten, as Eli and I were getting ready for bed, she woke up and refused to go back to sleep until sometime between 2 and 3. I'm not sure when because I fell asleep and when I awoke, she was sleeping as well. Then, the nanny woke her at 9am.

Tommy went to bed at 8pm and slept until 9am this morning. I realize this might not happen again tonight, but the fact that it happened once is just so incredibly exciting.

I've been fuzzy and tired (and as mentioned above, somewhat sad) today, so I was delighted when something funny happened about ten minutes ago. I told one of my coworkers that there was a reason I am not wearing pants today (instead I'm wearing a dress, and the reason is that I over ate for three weeks), and another coworker quickly said, "she means trousers! Laura, pants are knickers."

Laramie photos up soon, along with a list of reasons to move there (a list which is much easier to write after a summer visit).


  1. I had an American acquantaince in Scotland who tried to explain to a Scot that in America leather pants were really quite popular and that everyone wore and that they were much more comfortable than you might think. The Scot was well and truly flummoxed. The American didn't realize his error until much later.

    God Save the Queen!

  2. I'm a regular reader and you didn't see me! Just saying . . .

    Love all the pictures, especially the ones of Tommy dishing it out but not taking it all that well (the hose). I know that posture well.

  3. You're TOTALLY a regular reader, and you're right, I didn't see you. Next month, maybe???

    Tommy loves to play with water but does not care to be wet. I'm thinking he'll figure this out.

    Melora, that makes me feel better. At least I had someone in my corner, sorting it all out.

    May I say how much I love yoru comments? xo
