Saturday, October 29, 2011


Have we covered the subject of the English and their ironing obsession? (I have paused to consider whether this is an interesting enough topic for a post, and decided to push ahead; you are, as always, free to stop reading.)

They are c-r-a-z-y.

One of my friends regularly shakes her head in disgust as she watches American television programs during which people are shown folding baskets full of (clean) un-ironed laundry. This woman explained that she irons all of her children's clothes, down to their pajamas and underwear. Also, just ironing sheets is insufficient; those she takes to a cleaner with a press. At this point in the conversation I vowed to never even iron my sheets (occasionally I will do the pillowcases since those are visible) so that I don't come to appreciate it and, eventually, require it.

Our new housecleaner works for another family with a house identical to ours for ten hours per week. You know why she can spend that much time? Because she's doing all the ironing.

Yesterday we had a playdate with one of Tommy's nursery school teachers (she's Polish) who said that they have a housekeeper because her Welsh husband insists on even his t-shirts being ironed and is not willing to give the teacher's just-give-it-a-good-shake approach a chance.

Now you (my American readers) can all appreciate all the free time you didn't even realize you had.

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