Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steve Jobs

Is anybody else shocked at how sad they are about Steve Jobs? I keep wondering if it's about the pancreatic cancer (just the mention of which always takes me somewhere dark), or is it about how much I love all my apple stuff (that's right, we've got a lot) or is it that he did so much in a short time? I'm guessing it's a combination of all three (that's right, I love my apple stuff -- did you read how he said that it's not the consumer's job to know what he or she wants? I am that consumer). Anyway, s-a-d.

But, on to another depressing topic.

Dear British men who run during lunch,

Could we have a quick word about your black dress socks? I don't understand why you're wearing them while you run. They look silly. And I know you have another pair of socks back at the office (because surely, surely you are not going to put those nasty sweaty socks back on and put them into your work shoes and then go stink up the office), so why not grab a white pair, preferably some made specifically for athletic pursuits? Really. I finally understand the polo shirts: here it's what you wear for sports, where I come from its dress up clothes, so okay. You win. (Though sweating while wearing a shirt with a collar is disgusting to me.) But please, can we not wear black dress socks for running? Please?



  1. I will tell you that there is not one man in Tacoma running in a polo shirt and black socks today. Possibly the socks, polo shirt is highly unlikely.

    In unrelated news I saw my first pound coin in quite some years today. My boss got it as change from Starbucks or possibly from the ferry. Why is it that only transit authorities seem to use the dollar coin? Quid were great - somehow far more satisfying than single bill...

  2. Because in Tacoma (and Seattle), polo shirts are for special occasions.

    Agree re pound coins, except that when you have more than four or so, your wallet is very heavy.
