Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Be careful what you wish for...

I didn't have enough to do at work for months and now I find myself with too much.  I'm not complaining, exactly, but it's been stressful and I am pleased that (1) I met a big deadline this week and (2) I have a four day weekend (because Mandy is going on a little holiday and we are swapping Monday for Friday next week).  Anyway, for those of you who have emailed me, I am sorry that I've been ignoring you and just wait for the weekend.

I've been leaving the office pretty late and tonight I called Eli as I was walking to the tube to tell him I was on my way, and a little mouse ran across my path!  So I screamed and immediately felt embarrassed that the other commuters heard me.  I cannot remember - ever - a time that I was not scared of mice even though I know it's ridiculous.  I'm not scared of spiders.  We have one living behind one of the sinks in our bathroom.  When I first noticed him, Eli instructed me to leave him alone, and now I actually sort of like it when he comes out (typically just the morning).  (Plus, we have some tiny bugs that come out sometimes and I think of the spider as the ecologically friendly extermination strategy.)

And now you're sorry you've wasted your time reading this blog today.

We're having a more fun than usual week actually, because Uncle Brett is back in town!  (Lulu just calls him Brett but there's not really a "t' sound on the end.)  He is here for work, so we haven't spent loads of time with him but he has walked Tommy to school for three days.  And tomorrow he has a light schedule so he can play with the kids after we pick Tommy up from school.  That's all I've got.  Actually, I have a couple of go-karting movies from a birthday party last weekend, but I'm too tired to upload them...

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