Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Better late than never

I forgot to post a picture of the jack-o-lantern.  Isn't Eli a good pumpkin carver? He's even better considering that both kids were "helping" him.

This morning when Mandy arrived, Tommy was desperate for attention during the three minutes that Mandy and I have daily to discuss things (not ever enough time).  So when we walked out the door I said, "okay, you have my undivided attention.  What would you like to talk about on our walk?" and without any thought at all he said, "Jungle animals.  Did you know that cheetahs like to sleep on big rocks?"

I am sure most of you think that I have a blog just so I can tell the stories about how cute my kids are. But that's not true.  I also like to whine about things.  For example, last Thursday on the Tube, a woman was plucking her eyebrows.  And today, Queen Latifah on "Inside the Actors Studio" made me a little bit crazy.  The Gatwick Express that contained my cute husband stopped randomly for so long this evening that I had to make myself a sandwich so as not to starve.  (I know, I know.)  Finally, today I discovered that becoming a qualified English solicitor will involve months of study for one exam and that after I pass that one, I'll have two more practical exams that will involve me correctly managing eighteen different scenarios over the course of six days.  Of course, there's no way to know whether it's worth spending all my free time studying for six months because we don't know anything about Eli's work.


Tomorrow, a post about all the happy lovely fun things.  (Or maybe we'll wait to Friday when I'll be able to joyfully tell you about how Tommy is cast-free!)

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