Sunday, November 20, 2011

Join me...

on a trip down memory lane.  (For most readers clicking is optional, but not for Lib and Em.)  (And if you click, make sure you pay attention to (1) The Boss and (2) Tina Turner's hair and (3) the fact that I probably didn't know who Bob Dylan was in 1985.)

Eli and I were listening to the Bare Naked Ladies Christmas album tonight while we cooked dinner (as I am a huge fan of Christmas music) and the BNL cover this song, which made us think of the above.

I'll be back soon with another very sad post which involves a mouse.


  1. I remember watching and singing along to that video as a kid, too.

    There was a Canadian supergroup power ballad that year that we loved too. The best part is that it has a French line and yes, Bryan Adams was the superstar of the group.

  2. SUPER FUN. I think I might miss 1985 a little bit.
