Wednesday, November 02, 2011

The post in which we all feel relieved

I have had such a lovely week at work.  I have been busy.  I even filed something today.  And most of what was filed, I drafted.  Here, you file things with tidy corners on each document.  It is so cute and strangely satisfying that I will need to take and post a photo.  Anyway, let's all feel happy and relieved.  I have been busy and I love it.

Below are pictures from a fun little moment this weekend.  Eli was cooking our Sunday lunch and to get the kids out of his way, I took them to a to a small fair in Parsons Green.   It was there that the silver lining of Tommy's broken arm presented itself to me:  he and Lulu can ride the same rides.  Poor Tommy saw lots of fun things he couldn't do because of his broken arm.  Little Sister was happily able to do everything Tommy did.  They had so much fun!

Yesterday on the way to school, many commuters laughed as Tommy and I had a very earnest conversation about who Tommy should marry.  He is choosing between Gioia, his friend from nursery school, and Sophia, his current best friend.  I suggested that he wait and decide in a few more years but he feels strangely compelled to decide right now.  He has also informed me, two mornings in a row, that his friend Isobel is coming over for a playdate this afternoon.  After I explain that I'll need to arrange the playdate, he says, "okay, mom, but could you just do it?"

Lulu sleeps under blankets now.  She is insists on the blankets as soon as she gets into her crib and snuggles into them.  Eli observed tonight that she doesn't cry at all when we put her to bed if we leave the door open.  She doesn't have a nightlight so he thinks that she's scared of the dark.  I am a horrible mother!  Of course she's scared of the dark; she's a big girl now.

1 comment:

  1. Margaret has had a night light for about a year. She won't let us leave the door open because "the cats can only come in during the day". The light went out a few weeks ago and I ignored it because she never said anything. Then last week she says "Mom, Lizzie (one of the bears) and I were talking last night about how we missed looking at our fire". Apparently the night light is the "fire" for her and all of her little stuffed friends, which is super cute. Unfortunately the new bulb we got didn't fix it - so back to Target we go for another one.
