Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year!

It makes me a bit dizzy to realize that an entire year has come and gone, but it also makes the sting of Christmas being over a little bit easier to handle since I know it'll come again so soon.  Plus, I really do look forward to nice weather.  I do.  I am just one of those people.

It's going to be a big year.  My mom is retiring, my dad is turning 70, Tommy is going to be able to chew gum (I randomly chose five as the age at which he could do that; I would suggest eight to those who are still deciding), Lizzie's going to be potty trained and start speaking in more-than-two-word-sentences, Tommy will learn to read (all the words), and we might move!

Here are my resolutions:
1.  Go on a vacation with just Eli
2.  Stop swearing
3.  Do 10 posts each month

And that's all I've got for you today.  I really hope it's a lovely year for all of you!

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