Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On the yellow light...

On our walk to school this morning, Tommy and I continued our conversation about whether there is magic in the real world.  (His words, his subject.)  After reflecting on it from the day before, he told me this morning that magic is not real and there is no magic.  

When we got to school, you will never guess what Miss Jo told me.  Yesterday, for the first time ever, Tommy went on the yellow light.  Miss Jo said that he had a very hard time listening yesterday (it was raining and they didn't get outdoors much, which she says the entire class really needs).  And finally she told him that if she had to remind him again, he would go on the yellow light.  After she put his name there, he apparently felt horribly and really embarrassed.   

As I said goodbye to Tommy, I told him that I heard he went on the yellow light but that I was sure that he wouldn't again today because I know he's a great listener.  Again, he felt awful and was obviously really embarrassed and miserable.  (Note to self not to address such huge topics right as I'm leaving for the day.) 

Here's a photo from our walk to school yesterday.  The yellow light day.

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