Sunday, January 22, 2012


Happy weekend.  We had a busy week -- or, maybe just I did -- and so the weekend is feeling especially nice.  I'm excited because I found a tailor to do major alterations on a dress that I've loved forever but which has never fit me apart from the Christmas party I attended when I was six months pregnant with Tommy.  And, I get to pick it up on Friday which is in time to wear it to the Bechtel ball!  (Yes, you read that correctly.)

Anyway, Lulu wears her hair most days in pigtails now, which somehow makes her even cuter.  She got her first trim and for all of you concerned, her curls were not cut off.  She has a bad cold (likely from me, which is sad) and so she's been sleeping horribly and been in a very bad mood.  Today I told her she is mean as a snake and Tommy heard me and won't stop saying it.  Nice.

One of my nice friends recently did a post on her blog in which she admits that she doesn't like playing with her kids.  She likes baking with them, reading to them, crafting with them -- but not lego.  And you know what?  That's my life, exactly.  I always tell Eli that I don't know how to play lego because that's not what I played when I was little.  And so this morning when he came back from his run, he complimented me on the hull of a ship I'd been building at Tommy's request.  You know you really suck at lego when your husband uses positive reinforcement on you.

We went shoe shopping and you would be astonished at how thrilled Tommy is to have the tiniest bit of red on his new running shoes (trainers, as they are called here).  Lulu got some tall pink boots (on sale, so cute I couldn't stop myself and exactly the reason I should've had two boys) and some pink running shoes for football (she's been wearing some shoes that are pretty much aqua socks; my mom got them for her to wear during the summer but as her only non-mary jane shoes, they've made a solid showing this winter which is embarrassing).

Tonight Tommy requested a story about me, and I told him about the time my parents took us camping for a week and I got three bee stings.  He said that he still likes camping, and he's never been camping, but he can tell me his favorite part of camping is going swimming in a lifejacket and jumping off the dock and going down to the bottom of the water while wearing his goggles...

This is going to be another tough week -- trial starts a week from tomorrow -- so I may not check in. Photos next time!  xoxo

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