Sunday, February 05, 2012

Just some things I've been meaning to tell you about

Grandma Nancy made this advent calendar, and while the holidays are long past, it's pretty much adorable and worth mentioning.  Each day has a pocket for chocolate, and a little ball hanging on the gold thread in front of the pocket.  So each morning, you put one more ornament on the Christmas tree, and eat the coins (obviously, we need two in each pocket).  Super cute and very reusable which is  lovely.
 Having a tea party.
 Flying the glider from Uncle Brett and Auntie Chinka.  We killed it this day, but had a great time.  Tommy got really good at flying it (and so crashed it a lot).

 Running around, waiting for her brother to finish with the glider and for someone to fix her hair.
 We had Harry and Amelia (who spend a lot of time with Tommy and Lizzie because their nannies are housemates) and their parents over for brunch, and the kids table was every bit as chatty as the adult table.  A funny story:  we were all sitting down and the moment my bum hit my chair and I prepared to serve myself I realized that I had not given any food to the children.  It was very embarrassing.
 Opening a Christmas package from Uncle Andy, Katherine, Lexy, Milie, Adeline and Claire.  The matchbox cars were a huge hit, of course.
 Tommy reading to Lizzie.
And now we're caught up, I think.

(Quick question:  Do your kids watch Peter Pan?  And do you feel guilty about it? The parts about "the red man" and the indians?  I do.  Why does Tommy think it's the best movie ever?)

(And one more, about Downton Abbey.  If you watch, you'll think it's funny.)

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