Tuesday, February 28, 2012


We have reached an exciting moment in Tommy's childhood.   

Since he was a newborn, I have looked forward to introducing him to my favorite books.  Or, the books I loved best when I was young.  I don't remember many picture books (well, that's not true, I remember them, but don't really remember love love loving them), but once I was seven or eight and could read proper chapter books, I do believe my life changed.  

I have lived in a fantasy world ever since, and that's not really even a joke.  

Anyway, Tommy's class saw "Charlotte's Web" the movie in preparation to see "Charlotte's Web" the play (Tommy was sick and missed it!), and I decided at that point to place an amazon order.  I thought for a while about which books I'd most like to read with him and settled on "The BFG" (partly because I knew he would love a story about giants) and "Charlotte's Web" (this book will forever make me remember Tiffany Pascua's mom because she was a kindergarten teacher with the best voice for Charlotte ever).  (I also ordered a new one from a series that is more like the Magic Treehouse books called "The Worst Witch".  It appears to be adorable.  It's about a little girl who goes to a school for witches and during their first year each little witch is given a black cat.) 

On Saturday, I was hung over (true) and decided to read "the BFG" to myself while listening to the children watch "Peter Pan" (still feeling lots of guilt about that).  I was about 1/3 in, and had just decided that it is way too scary to read to a four-year-old, when Tommy noticed it.  HE LOVES IT.

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