Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mum's Day

I picked Tommy up at one on Friday and he came skipping out of school with a pink bag in his hand.  On it was a label:  "Dear Mum, Happy Mother's Day. Love, Tommy."

We walked home, and as we walked, he told me that he'd bought me a gift for mother's day (celebrated here tomorrow) and that it was a pink sparkly pen and a pink sparkly key chain in the shape of a heart (his emphasis not mine).  Then, he said that he thought we should try it out as soon as we get home and what was my position on letting him have a go? (He still doesn't have much of an accent but he sure uses British phrases.)

Here's the card:

 Some flowers and Tommy admiring the keychain:
 And, the pen. Which I cannot wait to take to work because that is some bling if you know what I mean.
I have a lot to say about Grandma Sid and Grandpa Ollie's arrival (about 26 hours ago), but I have to go to bed now.  Exhausted.

1 comment:

  1. That IS some nice bling! Margaret would have a hard time actually gifting such a lovely item to me, I am sure.
