Friday, April 20, 2012


Sometimes I find myself walking around writing blog posts in my head.  I always forget them, but today it startled me to realize that having done this for two years it's become something of a habit.  I don't get twitchy in the way that I do when I skip the gym (like today) but I notice.  All that to say that this is a random one because we are busy and I am a bit scattered (what else is new).

Tommy has received birthday gifts from so many of you and while you should look for a thank you card with some big wobbly letters in your mailbox, I must take this opportunity to tell you all that it is really so lovely to realize how many people love my kids (or at least care about them enough to send them birthday cards and gifts).

One of our London friends braved a trip to Hamley's and then sent the perfect Lego gift along with a birthday card that had a poem (she calls it a rhyme, but then, I consider this blog writing and I'm sure there are many people who would not) in it.  I think the poem is so cute that I'm going to attempt to do them from now on -- but as I tend to be last minute with gifts, this will be a stretch for me.

The Lula woke up in a pool of vomit this morning which I must admit I did not even see, so awesome is my husband.  Lulu and Tommy are both on the couch next to me watching Dora while I decide which things on my mile-long to-do list I want to accomplish before noon when Mandy comes and I head back to work.  I have been at work quite late for two nights and it looks as though I will be at work all weekend, and so while I should be just relaxing and spending time with my children, I am unable to do so.

I am unable to do so because Friday is my jobs day AND because our totally unreliable cleaner canceled yesterday AND because we have notice that we received a package and I think it might have my new shoes in it (please God).  Eli says our cleaner comes 50% of the time and I would put her attendance at 65%, but either way, you know she's a freaking awesome cleaner that I deal with it.  Because the fastest way to grumpsville is (1) to ask me if I'm crabby and (2) a dirty house.  Anyway, it is particularly important to me that the kids' spaces are clean and so I have just done a quick vacuum and bathroom clean upstairs.  And do you know how much laundry a two-year-old with a tummy bug generates?  Do you feel sorry for me?  Have I mentioned that I'm so tired that I'm dizzy?

But look!  I have found ten minutes during which to publicly complain about my pretty much perfect life (and I do not say that whole thing about perfect life flippantly).

We have a new member of our group at work -- she seems awesome -- and on Wednesday morning we gave a presentation to the larger group of which we are a part.  I was really anxious about it but you know what? My part went well and during the rest of the day people streamed into my office to tell me how entertaining I was (one woman said, "it must feel good to make people laugh" and I thought "why, yes, it does, but I'm not sure that's what should've been happening during today's presentation") and how interesting I made construction law.  Let's stop and examine those words:  how interesting I made construction law.  My boss does not believe that there could be anything uninteresting about construction law but we all know the truth don't we.  So, I consider that my presentation was a huge success (even if I did seem a tiny bit silly).

Tommy just looked at me and said hopefully, "do five-year-olds still have to go in a car seat?"  He is disappointed to say the least that he will still be in a car seat when we next ride in a car (June?).

And Lulu's been meowing.  Especially when she wakes up in the morning.  No more "good morning" or "hi" just meeoowww.

Happy weekend!

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