Wednesday, April 04, 2012

It's only a week away...

So some of you may not know that it is Tommy's birthday next Wednesday, but HE KNOWS and so do the rest of us.  Since the 26th of December, we have been counting down the days and his excitement that it's only six days to his birthday is, well, really amazingly sweet.

Yesterday morning our children slept late and when Tommy meandered into the kitchen in his underwear requesting breakfast Eli said, "guess what? Only EIGHT days until your birthday!" and Tommy said, "WHAT."  He was firm (and loud) but also seemed like he couldn't actually believe it.

The birthday plan:

1.  French toast for breakfast.
2.  A spiderman cake.  He does not care that I cannot make a spiderman cake, he does not mind if I buy it.  (This will help me stick to my no sugar rule, so I am okay with it.)
3.  A surprise trip to Legoland.
4.  A toy that he has been requesting since he saw it at Harrods after the Christmas photo (which I never posted).  It's a sword and he keeps reminding Eli about it.  I believe this is because he thinks Eli is nicer than I am and will buy the sword.

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