Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh, you know...

 An attractive one of me, don't you think?  We're looking at planes and gorging ourselves on a Le Pain picnic.
 Oh, you know, just sitting on top of the book case...

Friends, you will see that Eli has spent some time with my blog this weekend.  We chose a new layout that I am not sure I am in love with yet.  He made a banner that currently only shows up when you check it on the iPhone.  So do it, because the banner is very cute and stars our very own Lulu.  (Tommy will be the star when we change in out in two years -- no sooner as this blog has been in existence longer than two years without a banner.  In fact, technically it still is in existence without a banner.) 

You want to know what we did this weekend? We attended birthday parties.  Fun for Tommy and somewhat fun for me as here parents are almost always served alcohol at birthday parties.  I thought it quite classy to stand out on the football pitch with a glass of champagne and I made certain the hostess knew that I was impressed.   

It is warming up this week -- finally! -- but the weekend was chilly so we also went for a swim during which the little girl playing mermaid had chattering teeth and a bluish tinge to her skin but firmly and fiercthfully (as she would pronounce it)* refused to get out of the water.  Tommy is a bit more active in the water (an understatement, that) and so he was perfectly warm and wailed along with Lulu when it was time to get out.  (Sometimes when you're reading this I know you wonder why you spend the time and I want to say that I appreciate that you stick with it.) 

When we were all putting on our shoes to go to swimming I was scolding Tommy for hitting Lulu with his sword, and I explained that not hurting each other is really the most important rule in our family, and my husband said, "well, Tommy, that and you have to remember never to mix up Lego and playmobil."  And I said, "Exactly right!"  It was a moment during which I felt so understood.

On Saturday night, Chelsea won a football match.  It was a big game (they are champions of something now) and I understand that the win was an impressive one.  Chelsea's stadium is about half a mile from our house.  So on Sunday the neighborhood shut down for a parade.  We did not actually see the players as I wanted to go home rather than wait with a huge crowd of drunk people with accents I couldn't understand, but the crowd was something else.  Maybe I'll download those photos and show them to you...

The one other thing on my mind today is that in London whenever I run errands, I am called either "madam" (by the women) or "love" (by the un-posh men). I had to get Eli's shoes re-soled because there was a hole that was allowing all the rain to seep in and get his feet wet (ew), and I loved the cobbler because in addition to finishing the shoes within 24 hours and doing a really nice job, he called me "love."  This is not to say that it is something I always appreciate, but sometimes it's sort of nice. 
* Yes, Lulu does know and use the word "fierce."  She learned it in this book.   And I can never decide if it's cuter when she says the lion was too "fiercth" or the camel to "crum-my" (grumpy).   When mad, this is how she looks:

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