Monday, May 07, 2012

Thank you...

I received so many nice emails today!  And, Lulu has been singing nonstop.

I had a chocolate cake with whipped cream and smarties (as dreamed up by Tommy) and the kids only ate the smarties and whipped cream, even though Eli rocked the cake.  So delicious.

And, there were even proper sunny patches today.

Now I have to go to Dubai -- my flight leaves tonight and I'm excited to fly business class but also anxious about the work I need to do while I'm there.

Back next week.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Birthday, Laura! Awesome pictures of what looks like a very fun celebration!

  3. Thanks, A. Eli actually selected these photos. I can't say that I would've posted one of myself looking absolutely crazy for chocolate cake (even though I am indeed crazy for chcolate cake).

  4. I bet that sugar tasted GOOOOD. Did you get an appropriate rush, having been avoiding it for a bit? Pictures from Dubai, please!
