Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Round and round

We have settled into a beach pace.  Yesterday's focus was an outing to Wakulla Springs which was AMAZING -- we saw alligators (this after Dad and I saw one on our morning walk!), manatees, turtles and quite a few birds.  My favorite birds were the morehens because we had one of our own back in London and I learned that here they are called (lovingly, I'm sure) water chickens.  They had babies which were so cute!  Anyway, if the photos are good, I'll come back and post a few of them.

In the meantime, I thought you all would like to see how Uncle Andy has been forced to spend the bulk of the week (Lulu of course has no idea that he has other, better things to do).  He puts her down and she doesn't even stop to get her bearings -- she throws her hands up and begs for "round and round."  Though it goes without saying, I'll say anyway that Uncle Andy is very, very popular.

1 comment:

  1. So, that's the part of Florida you are in? That close to Biloxi, if you don't eat some crab cakes I might not forgive you. I missed them on the February trip where in I left New Orleans and my sister, mom, Grand Margaret, and her friend Maris continued their "ladies tour de food, art, garden, and architecture" and all I heard about was those darn crab cakes. Well, that and pottery (Biloxi, who knew?).
