Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Very Exciting Announcement

Nope, this post has nothing to do with where we will be moving and when.

It's much, much better.  (That was sarcastic, as I'm becoming a bit desperate to know what my future holds, but I actually am very excited about this turn of events.)

Friends, we live TWO BLOCKS from the route for the Olympic cycling races.  This means that despite the fact that we did not get any tickets, we are still going to see two Olympic events, and possibly more (stay tuned for future posts on this subject).

Seriously, I just figured this out when the borough put a flyer through our door on Sunday to tell us to think carefully about our traffic plans and I am now so excited to go out and cheer for TEAM USA.  I shall forthwith do some googling to discover the names of the athletes for whom I will be cheering.

An interesting story is that I really really really wanted to go to the Opening Ceremonies but we didn't go in the lottery for tickets as we had no idea if we would still be in London for the games.  Anyway, I was chatting with a friend last weekend and discovered that tickets to the Opening Ceremonies cost £950 each.  And I was thrilled to know that because I do not want to attend the Opening Ceremonies that badly, not even £500 badly.  MAYBE £250 badly but only maybe.

And a very happy Tuesday to you all.


  1. While I have little idea of where your house is relation to that map, it was totally worth following the link to see the photo of the Dorking Cockerel. Aaah...Britannia!
